
In Port au Prince we will stay at a guest house.

Drinking Water

Do not drink the water in Haiti!  The only water that you should drink is purified bottled water.   We will purchase large five gallon bottles of Culligan Water for the team to share during our stay in Seguin. (Personal water bottle needed)  Visitation House will have Culligan Water for drinking and cooking.  Do not drink any tap water at any location, and only use ice that was made with bottled water.  Do not even brush your teeth in it.  Use only bottled water.  Also, use all water for washing and flushing toilets very conservatively while in Haiti and especially while in Seguin!  It is very scarce.  When in Seguin use this toilet guideline.  “When its yellow let it mellow when it’s brown send it down.”  Also, if there is the slightest sign of a toilet problem please let someone know ASAP.

Climate and Clothing:

The temperatures in April are usually 80 to 95 degrees in Port au Prince and 60 to 80 degrees in Seguin during the day.  The evening temperatures will be 70 to 80 in Port au Prince and 50 to 65 degrees in Seguin.  A light jacket, long pants, or a sweatshirt (Michigan) may be needed at night up in the mountains.  Few Haitian women wear shorts or pants, although it is perfectly acceptable to wear pants.  Skirts for the women and long pants for the men are recommended for attending mass.  Men should wear nice short or long sleeve shirts with or without a tie.  Include shorts or sandals for evening comfort in Port au Prince or the parish.


Take your camera and more film than you think you will need.  Most Haitians do not mind having their photograph taken.  If in doubt, just ask, “photo”.  When I was there I was asked for money to take a picture by very few people.  Those that asked I do not have their photograph, only fond memories.  If you give money to one then everyone will want money because they know you will pay.  Do not pay anyone for a photograph.  Paying will turn a good thing into a bad thing for future missions to Haiti.


Arts and Crafts

We will try to plan an opportunity to go shopping in Port au Prince.  There are many unique handmade arts and crafts that you may want to purchase as gifts or souvenirs.  A budget of $30 to $100 is reasonable for this; however, with the abundance of wonderful handicrafts you may easily spend more.


 Bring a full can of insect repellent.  In Seguin we will not have many insects because of the time of the year, but in Port au Prince there will beIf you spray your bed and yourself in Port au Prince you should have no problems.


The unit of Haitian currency is the gourde which equals $.20 Haitian; thus, five gourdes equal one Haitian dollar.  There is a varying exchange rate on American money, which is presently fluctuating near 275%.  Currently it takes about five gourds to equal one Haitian dollar, and three Haitian dollars to equal one US dollar.  We will check the current exchange rate when we arrive in Haiti.  Your US money can be exchanged at Visitation House upon arrival and any Haitian money can be exchanged back into US dollars before departing.

Additional Travel Tips

  • Make three photocopies of your passport.  Keep one at home with someone who you can contact if necessary,keep one with your travel documents separate from your original passport, and provide a copy to the team leader.
  • The conservation of water is major concern at the guesthouse.  Please remember to take short showers and flush toilets only when necessary.
  • Just in case you missed the drinking water paragraph above.  Never drink water from tap (faucets) or other sources.  The only water that should be consumed will be bottled water.
  • Try to abstain from dairy products outside of the guesthouse.
  • Many people will be begging for money, especially in the city, and at the airport.  It will be impossible to give to everyone, and especially risky if there are others around.  If you feel the need to give, be sure it is done in private.  Only give a small gift (monetarily) and make sure it is done discreetly.  Usually best at the last possible moment before you leave.  You should have one cheek in the car if you feel the need to give.
  • Please do not tip or give any money to anyone while in Seguin.  Fr. Fayant will provide for the people he hires to assist us and he currently helps the local people.  Again, if you tip or give out any money it will only make things worse for future missions.
  • In Seguin we will once again be washing our own dishes.  Please feel free to take a turn.






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